Monday, July 29, 2013

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How skate pine furniture

When you have a budget to invest in the decoration of rooms you need to start learning the art of furniture patina to give it a new life those used furniture, old or simply that we have ruled to be out of fashion.

To give a new opportunity and save on the purchase of new furniture in this new article, learn how to skate pine furniture. An excellent idea for decorating all kinds of spaces with different styles.

Slipping pine furniture


  • 1 100g sandpaper.
  • 1 150g sandpaper.
  • 1 180gr sandpaper.
  • Metal chain
  • Perforator
  • Drywall Screw
  • Wood (2.5x5.6cm long)
  • Caustic Soda
  • Gloves
  • Safety Glasses
  • Brushes
  • Wood varnish or wax


  • Sand the entire surface of pine furniture initially using sandpaper of 100 grams while if you need to start using paper of 150gr and 180gr finally.
  • Using a thick metal chain links, hit the wood to create a worn look. Do not hit so hard the cabinet and go measuring the force required to avoid having certain pattern, since it must maintain a natural look.
  • Building a deck with wood. Drill six holes with the drill and screws. Then with the wooden mallet gently hit the mark the surface and gives the appearance of a cabinet worn by worms.
  • Mix one part of caustic soda with one part water and a brush or brush your furniture. First will turn to a yellow color, but when dry will have a uniform gray color.
  • Finally, apply furniture wax or varnish so.

Tips for making furniture slippage

  1. Do not forget to wear gloves and safety glasses.
  2. Sand evenly the way, this will help the more uniform finish and the wood is naturally aged.
  3. If you want to hit with the first string, do not use the sandpaper 150g or 180g because eliminate shock and not achieve the ideal aging furniture.

This is one of the forms of skating pine furniture, a technique that can help give your furniture another look and start using them back into the decor. Do you have questions about how to lacquer wood furniture?


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