Friday, July 19, 2013

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How to clean wood doors

The wooden doors dusty, battered by time not only are unattractive to the decoration of the facade, but when guests do not give the best impression of those living in the house.

So in this new article, I suggest some tips to learn how to clean wooden doors and get your friends to take the best picture in your home when you visit.


Use a soft cloth to clean the surface and remove dust from the wooden door . Also be clean using a duster. By doing so, make sure to clean the frames of the door and remove all the dirt possible.

On the other hand, if the door  is varnished wood can use a soft damp cloth or you can also moisten oil soap and rub in the direction of the wood grain. This way you get better results in the cleaning of the door.

Remove dirt

Clean the door and frame to remove excess waste, he uses another clean and make sure it is dry. If the door windows have glass cleaner and use a rag to leave them spotless.

Finally, to leave the wooden door immaculate, clean the handles with a special product depending on the material. In case they are of bronze, we leave some tricks to restore shine to brass objects  that may be helpful.

Painted wooden doors

For painted wooden doors need to take the first step to remove the dust with a clean cloth or duster but then you must pass a damp sponge to clean surfaces that have been painted door.

And before cleaning knobs and handles with a special cleaner, use a soft cloth to dry the surface of the painted door especially those parts where you spent the sponge.

To spice up your door without having to buy expensive products to find the best way to clean wood doors . What you need is patience to properly clean the surface and above all be careful.


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