With their large black and white stripes in zigzag, Zebra
prints are a bold definition in the room. Zebra always is in fashion and is a
pattern suitable for children, adolescents, and adults alike. Although a room
decorated with the same can look very elegant, in a bedroom of child or
adolescent together with graphic details, it looks very nice.
Zebra rug
With Zebras / a Zebra / the Zebra, print rugs are an amazing
base for a bedroom. In fact if the rug is large, perhaps the only thing you
need in the room is the Zebra print and some small accessories. Paint the walls
a light color to highlight the white and black carpet. If you put the bed on this,
it will look betters / bettered to use contrasting and solid color bedding
because if it is also of Zebra print it will compete with the carpet. Remember
that less is more, and that carpet is the star of the room.